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My Origin Story.
Hero or Villain?   That's for you to decide...

While other 80’s kids were out exploring the neighbourhood on bikes or sneaking into the local school grounds to play on the swings, I was happily holed up in the bedroom I shared with my younger sister, fantasising about being a librarian. At least until my Mum found out I had been writing imaginary names and ‘return’ dates in the front pages of almost every book we owned. She was not impressed and, rest assured, I was promptly schooled on the DOs and DON'Ts of how to treat a book. A dog-eared page would result in a severe ticking off, let me tell you!
Eventually, I started to imagine what it would be like to write my own story, to have a real book with my name on the cover. It is a dream that has never left me and finally, at the age of *cough* forty three *cough*, I am now pursuing that dream with my soon-to-be debut novel, Lightnin’ Rhod.

I’m actively posting updates on Twitter and Instagram, so if you would like to see how I am getting on, you can follow along via either of those platforms. I’d love to meet you there!

She/Her and occassionally: Oi! Muppet!
Suzi resides in South Yorkshire, England.

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